Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography compiled by Stefan Blaschke |
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Alphabetical Index: Speaker Index: [Info] Jach, Theresa. »"Penitentiary Whorehouse": The Sexual Exploitation of Black Female Convicts in Texas during the Gilded Age and Progressive Era.« 103rd Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. Houston 2011. [Info] Jach, Theresa. »Chasing a Greased Pig: Black Female Convicts' Struggle against Sexual Exploitation in the Texas Prison.« 108th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. St. Louis 2015. [Info] Jacob, Frank. »The Discussion about Collective Guilt: Japanese Mass Violence and the Rape of Nanjing.« War and Sexual Violence. New York 2016. [Info] Jacob, Sharon. »In the Name of the Nation! Jezebel, Indo-Western Women, and Sexual Assault: A Postcolonial, Feminist, and Contextual Interpretation of Revelation 2:20-25.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Jacobs, Mignon R. »No Love Lost: Genesis 34 as the Basis of a Hermeneutical Reflection on Love and Violence.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2004. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »Rape, Politics, and the Politics of Rape.« 110th Annual Meeting of the Organization of American Historians. New Orleans 2017. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »"Do We Really Believe the Police Will Protect Us?": Anti-State Analysis in the 1970s Anti-Rape Movement.« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »Teaching the History of Sexual Violence in the Age of #MeToo.« 116th OAH Conference on American History. Los Angeles 2023. [Info] Jacquet, Catherine. »Providing “much needed information”: The First Studies on the Sexual Abuse of Incarcerated Women.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024. [Info] Jager, Katharine W. »"Our Very Moder in Kynde, of Our First Makyng": Bodily Sovereignty and the Problematics of Rape.« 52nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2017. [Info] James, Sharon L. »From Boys to Men: Rape on the Continuum of Masculinity in Terence's Hecyra and Eunuchus.« Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association. Atlanta 1994. [Info] James, Sharon L. »Rethinking Rape in Menander's Comedy and Athenian Life: Modern Comparative Evidence.« Menander in Contexts. Nottingham 2012. [Info] James, Sharon. »Rape and Repetition, Myth and History: Repeated Structures in Ovid's Metamorphoses.« Repetition in Ovid's Metamorphoses. Tallahassee 2013. [Info] Jamieson, Christine, et al. »Tamar's Rape and the Coping Mechanisms of Victim, Abuser, Family, and Accomplices.« International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. St. Andrews 2013. [Info] Janson, Deborah. »The Sacrifice of Yet Another Bourgeois Maiden: Upholding the Social Order through Sexual Assault in Veit Harlan's Jud Süß.« Forty-Third Conference of the German Studies Association. San Diego 2019. [Info] Jarrard, Eric X. »Palace to Penthouse: Sexual Violence, Consent, and Power in 2 Samuel 11 and HBO's Girls.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. [Info] Jean-Charles, Régine M., et al. »Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary.« Lecture / Boston College Libraries. Boston 2014. [Info] Jean-Charles, Régine M., et al. »Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary.« New Books in African Studies. New Books Network 2017. [Info] Jerue, Benjamin A. »The Contested Role of Sexual Violence in Roman Historiography: The Rape of the Sabine Women in Dionysisu Halicarnassus' Antiquitates Romanae 2.30.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Jestice, Phyllis G. »"To see the daughters of the land": The Rape of Dinah and the Exegesis of Monastic Reform.« 32nd International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 1997. [Info] Jewell, Evan. »Same-Sex Rape in the Roman Military: Catullus (c. 15, 28) and the Poetics of Homosociality.« Ancient Rape Cultures: Greek, Roman, Jewish, Christian: International Conference Rome 2022. [Info] Jhingran, Nanya. »Undressing the Colonial Wound: Violence, Knowledge, and Epistemic Disobedience in Mahasweta Devi's "Draupadi".« Annual Meeting of the National Women's Studies Association. San Francisco 2019. [Info] Jinks, Rebecca, et al. »Breaking the Silence: Gender and Genocide.« Lecture / The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide. London 2017. [Info] Jobe, Alison. »Sexual trafficking stories: Stories, realities, and myths.« Representations of Prostitution, Sex Work and Sex Trafficking between the 19th and 21st Centuries. Exeter 2010. [Info] Jockel, Joan. »Rape Politicization and Masculine Conceptions of Class in the Atlantic Press: The Case of Sarah Woodcock v. Lord Baltimore (1768).« Southern Conference on British Studies. Birmingham 2018. [Info] Johnson, Marguerite. »Rape, warfare, colonialism, revenge: Jane Holland's Boudicca & Co.« Rape in Antiquity: 20 years on. London 2017. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Seductions & Struggles: Blurring the Boundaries between Rape and Rapture in Maupassant and Cézanne.« Annual Conference of the Pacific Ancient and Modern Languages Association. San Jose 1997. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Interpreting Charles Perrault's 'Le Petit Chaperon rouge' ('Little Red Riding Hood') within 17- and 18th Century French Jurisprudence: Tolerating Rape and the Troubling Language of Love.« Women and the Law: Legal Systems/Legal Fictions. Austin 2001. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Interpreting Charles Perrault's 'Le Petit Chaperon rouge' ('Little Red Riding Hood') within 17- and 18th Century French Jurisprudence: Tolerating Rape and the Troubling Language of Love.« Women and the Law: Legal Systems/Legal Fictions. Milwaukee 2001. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Discursive and Rhetorical Shifts: Rape Narratives in Fiction, Law, and the Canards.« Annual Meeting of the International Association for the History of Crime and Criminal Justice. Paris 2003. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »La représentation des viols dans les canards sanglants au XIXe siècle.« Masculin/Féminin et presse au XIXe siècle. Lyon 2008. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Cadavers and a Cast of Characters Tell the Tale of Rape in the Canards Sanglants of Fin-de-Siècle France.« Romance Studies Colloquium. Jersey City 2009. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Permutations of Genre, Gender and Guilt: Rape Narratives in the Canards Sanglants of Nineteenth-Century France.« Genre/genre(s) - Gender/Genre. Lille 2009. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Speaking for the Dead or Victimized Bodies of Rape: The Role of the Médecins légistes in Nineteenth-Century fin-de-siècle French Law, Medicine and Criminology.« Gender, Bodies and Technology. Roanoke 2010. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Coded Texts, Dead Bodies, and the Unsayable: How Rape Makes News in the Canards Sanglants of Nineteenth-Century France.« International Conference on Narrative. St. Louis 2011. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Narrating the Lives and Demise of Victims and Perpetrators of Rape: Rhetorical Reversals of Guilt in Nineteenth-Century Canards sanglants.« Modern Language Association Annual Convention. Los Angeles 2011. [Info] Johnson, Sharon P. »Facts of the Crime: The Celestial and the State, Reporting Rape in 19th-Century France's Canards Sanglants.« 11th Annual Conference of the Society of Dix-Neuviémistes. Exeter 2013. [Info] Johnston, Andrew, et al. »Breaking the Silence: Gender and Genocide.« Lecture / The Wiener Library for the Study of the Holocaust and Genocide. London 2017. [Info] Johnstone, Boyda J. »"In myn armes I had her faste": Rape and Its Undercurrents in The Isle of Ladies.« 54th International Congress on Medieval Studies. Kalamazoo 2019. [Info] Jolluck, Katherine R. »Silencing Women: Violence against Polish Female Bodies and Identity during World War II.« 113th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Washington, D.C. 1999. [Info] Joly, Maud. »Troupes maures et viols de Républicaines: Pratiques de guerre, terreur et imaginaires du passé réactivés dans la guerre d'Espagne.« Les viols en temps de guerre: une histoire à écrire - Rape in Wartime: A History to be Written. Paris 2009. [Info] Joncus, Berta. »Celebrity Songster v. Justice Woodcock: Love in a Village (1762), or Sexual Predators on Trial.« 51st Annual Meeting of the American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies. Virtual 2021. [Info] Jones, Brandon. »The Rhetoric of Rape: Claudian, Ovid and the Significance of Legalistic Discourse in Proserpine Poetics.« 110th Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South. Waco 2014. [Info] Jones, Christopher, et al. »Texts of Terror? Exploring Religious Trauma(s) with Tools in the Classroom.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. San Antonio 2023. [Info] Jones, William. »Sexual(ized) Violence and the ‘Non-Absent’ Male Body: Castration and Sterilization in Auschwitz.« 56th Annual Conference of the Association for Jewish Studies. Virtual 2024. [Info] Jones-Rogers, Stephanie. »Rethinking Sexual Violence and the Marketplace of Slavery.« Newberry Seminar on Women and Gender 2013-2014. Chicago 2013. [Info] Jones-Rogers, Stephanie. »Rethinking Sexual Violence and the Marketplace of Slavery: White Women, the Slave Market and Enslaved Women's Sexualized Bodies in the Nineteenth-Century South.« Unleashing the Black Erotic: Gender and Sexuality-Passion, Power and Praxis. Charleston 2013. [Info] Jones-Rogers, Stephanie. »Rethinking Sexual Violence and the Marketplace of Slavery: White Women, the Slave Market and Enslaved People's Sexualized Bodies in the Nineteenth-Century South.« Emerging Perspectives on Race and Gender in the Nineteenth-Century United States. University Park 2013. [Info] Jones-Rogers, Stephanie. »Rethinking Sexual Violence and the Marketplace of Slavery: Free Women, the Slave Market and Enslaved Women's Sexualized Bodies in the Nineteenth-Century South.« 128th Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association. Washington, D.C. 2013. [Info] Jones-Rogers, Stephanie. »Rethinking Sexual Violence and the Marketplace of Slavery: Free Women, the Slave Market and Enslaved People's Sexualized Bodies in the Nineteenth-Century South.« 81st Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association. Little Rock 2015. [Info] Jørgensen, Martin. »A Few Bad Apples? UN Peacekeepers, Prostitution, and Sexual Abuse in the Gaza Strip, Cairo and Beirut, 1956-1967.« 4th Annual Conference of the Iranian Studies Initiative. Santa Barbara 2018. [Info] Joseph-Gabriel, Annette, et al. »Conflict Bodies: The Politics of Rape Representation in the Francophone Imaginary.« New Books in African Studies. New Books Network 2017. [Info] Joy, Bernard T. »‘Something is going to happen to me’: Explorations of Southern Rape Culture in Faulkner’s Sanctuary, Williams’ A Streetcar Named Desire and O'Connor’s The Violent Bear It Away.« 35th Annual Conference on American Literature. Boston 2024. [Info] Jug, Steven G. »Sexual Violence in the Red Army.« 47th Annual Convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies. Philadelphia 2015. [Info] Junker, Yohana. »The Painted Bathsheba: Unsettling the Gaze.« Annual Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature. Boston 2017. |